This Week
at 10am Mass

This Sunday at 10 am Mass. The Feast day or description in Ordinary Time is given. Please come and join in our worship.


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TMG standing on altar steps

This week, 16th February 2025, is the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year C

          Sermon on the Mount

Please join in the singing. All the words are printed on the Mass sheet.

Christ's message in all its richness must live in your hearts. Teach and instruct each other with all wisdom. Sing psalms, hymns and sacred songs; sing to God with thanksgiving in your hearts.

(Col. 3:16)

If you see  ***  next to a song name below, you can click on it to hear it.

Please note that hymns below are frequently updated. Make sure you take a Mass sheet.


Opening The Kingdom
Penitential Rite Spoken
Gloria Salazar's Gloria

Blessed are those who have placed their trust in the Lord

Gospel Acclamation Plainchant Alleluia
Procession I am the bread of life
The responses and Lamb of God will be sung

O let all who thirst
More love, more power
Be still and know

Recessional The Kingdom

If there is a hymn you would like to hear at 10am mass, please tell us by emailing us (email address on Home page). We are looking for new members. Whether you sing or play an instrument, or both, if you would like to share in worship with us and serve our community, please contact us at church or via email. Thanks be to God.

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