The Music Group Ministry

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Our Ministry exists to promote the Word of God through music as worship and song as praise.


Some thoughts on music and singing


More about TMG

This Week

Music Group Sounds

Link to Other Sites

Group members 

If you go to 10 o’clock mass at St. Thomas’s on Sunday, you will already know about the Music Group ministry. Our ministry aims to praise and worship the Lord through music and song. In so doing, we hope to encourage others, i.e. YOU, the congregation, to give praise in song as well.

If you do not go to ten o’clock mass, you may not have heard us. If so, why not pop along one Sunday to see if it suits your tastes? We sing the more contemporary Catholic hymns, including selections from Taizé, as well as from other Christian sources. This worship music is easy to pick up and is attractive because of its directness and spiritual quality. It is probably true to say that the most popular material is newer rather than older. Don’t worry about not knowing the words. A song sheet is printed for each mass and new hymns are sung each week for five or six weeks before mass, prior to becoming a part of mass.

The Music Group is open access, so there is no formal audition to undertake. We meet for rehearsal every other Sunday after Mass. There are usually between ten and twenty members in our line up but the more people we get the better, because we can try new arrangements and songs. We would also like more instruments so if you feel a need to worship through music, please come and see us.

If you have any comments or questions, or you would like to hear a particular hymn, you can contact us directly at church after mass or you can email us at the address on the Home page.

 To hear songs performed by the Music Group click here

To read some thoughts on music and singing click here.

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