what's involved?

Music stave


If you have seen our frequent requests for people to join us you may have wondered what you would be letting yourself in for. We hope the following might answer some of your questions, allay some anxieties and encourage a spirit of adventure!

TMG on altar steps


1) Who would you like to have volunteer?

Anyone with a musical talent and enthusiasm. If you can sing or play a musical instrument we would like to hear from you, even if you are rusty. If you'd like a private one to one "audition" to know if your voice or instrument would fit in, we can arrange that for you.

2) How much am I committing myself to?

We rehearse every other Sunday after Mass at the church and of course Mass itself which is around 9.15am until 11am each Sunday. We also play for one or two extras each year, like Baptisms, and sometimes, weddings. 

3) Do I have to read music?

Not all of us can, and we manage! There are lots of ways of learning a song - recording it at rehearsal and working on it at home is one. We learn songs over several weeks at a reasonable pace for everyone. We also practice before Mass to help the congregation learn new material, and get familiar with it ourselves.

4) You seem to sing a lot of material - how long before I know all the songs?

The church's liturgical seasons dictate what we sing and when, so over about a year we cover most of our repertoire.

5) I’m not used to microphones and sound system.....

No-one has to go “live” straight away. You can sing or play without being linked to the sound system until you are ready and feel comfortable.

6) Can I have a few weeks trial - see how it goes?

Yes, that is no problem. See below.

7) There’s still some things I’d like to know…

Music stave

There is other information on this website, or you can email us with your enquiries. You can also come and see us after Mass.

Our email address is


Singing praise to God is a joy and in Music Ministry it is also a privilege and reward in itself. We are blessed with an appreciative and enthusiastic congregation and wish everyone to feel they can participate fully in the music. Help us to continue serving the needs of the parish of St Thomas of Canterbury.

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