It is the heart that experiences God, not the reason (see Eph.1:18)


All weekend Masses at St Thomas's are streamed live and you can find them at this link. The 10am weekday Mass is currently held off mic.

Can you play keyboard or piano? We are in need of you to join us at 10am Mass. We also need another guitarist or two. Please email the group at the address at bottom right if you can help and/or for more details of being a member.

Singing is a joy and singing to God is a privilege and a blessing. Music Group membership is open access and we have found that, regardless of previous experience or ability, most volunteers are able to reach a level good enough to lead the 10 am Mass congregation.

We would like to recruit more singers – men included – as we need about 8 singers each Sunday to provide a good full sound to fill the church and encourage the congregation to sing along. You needn't be professional just have the ability to 'carry a tune'. Come along after Mass and speak to one of us to find out more about it. Or you can email us for further details. The email address is on this page, bottom right.

The Group is also very much in need of help with the setting up of its sound equipment and would appreciate anyone with an interest in music technology offering a helping hand on Sundays. If you are interested and would like to know more, please get in touch with us.

The Music Group ministry has been leading the 10 o'clock Mass in worship through music for 32 years. If you have any questions, click here or email us at the address opposite at bottom right

Group members in front of altar


 Church interior showing altar

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing."
Psalm 100:1,2

Served by the Franciscans

This week, 16th February 2025, is the 6th Sunday in Ordinary time, year C

   Sermon on the Mount

Our Trust In The Lord


The Christian Counter

 Last modified on :

09 February 2025

If you wish to contact us on any matter you can write via snail mail to -

The Music Group
St. Thomas of Canterbury Church
557/9 High Road
Woodford Green
Essex IG8 0RB.

or email us at this address:

Copyright © 1998-2025  St Thomas of Canterbury R. C. Church, Woodford Green, Essex, U.K. unless otherwise stated.